Upcoming Events and Activities
What We’ve Got Planned For You

Mid May 2021to Mid October 2021
The CSA starts in Mid May. You can begin picking the cold weather crops,; Lettuce, Kale, Spinach, Kohlrabi, Radish, Chard. As the season progresses, more crops are available to pick, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Peppers, Turnips, and then the warm weather crops of tomatoes and squash.
Farm Stand
May 2021 thru to mid October 2021
You will find freshly picked vegetables and flower bouquets hand made by Mary. Jams and Jellies are produced on the farm with freshly picked fruits and vegetables. Field to jar in a matter of hours. You can taste the difference!
Granite Bird Baths
Year Round
Each bird bath is hand carved using hammer and chisel, power tools and diamond blades to cut and polish to a mirror like finish. Each bird bath comes with a granite pedestal. These are artisanally crafted pieces that you and your feathered friends will enjoy in your garden